Monday, March 24, 2008

Daily Rant (March 24th, 2008 9:14pm)

What the hell is up with people trying to talk to you while you are in the restroom. Sorry but the last thing that I want to do is talk to you while I am holding the one-eyed monster in my hands. Can we talk about the game and everything else once we exit the bathroom????? The same goes for when you are taking a dump. How the hell am I supposed to concentrate on dropping this anchor when you keep going on and on about market shares and company profits???? This can wait until we are in our cubicle, douchebag.

Another thing, people who can't get a clue when you don't want to be bothered. If I didn't return your text message the first 7 times then you should take a hint that I don't want to talk to you. If you come to my desk at work and I dont bother to take my headphones off then chances are you are not important enough for me to talk to or I really don't care to acknowledge your presence. If I don't look up when you are talking and I continue to type my emails and listen to my music, take the cue I just gave you and move along. Some of youse just don't get it..............sad really.

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